
This quiz is a small type of marathon quiz.
The quiz contains a total of 40 questions.

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Created on By Soumen

Geography Random Quiz for Upcoming Exams - 40 Questions

1 / 40

Which of the following is NOT a nuclear power station?

নিচের কোনটি পারমাণবিক বিদ্যুৎ কেন্দ্র নয়?

2 / 40

Taiga forest is found in which of the following countries?

তাইগা বন নিচের কোন দেশে পাওয়া যায়?

3 / 40

Which of the following crops is an example of Kharif Crops?
নিচের কোন ফসলটি খরিফ ফসলের উদাহরণ?

4 / 40

Which of the following states has the highest coal reserve?
নিচের কোন রাজ্যে সর্বোচ্চ কয়লা মজুদ রয়েছে?

5 / 40

Name the longest river in Asia.
এশিয়ার দীর্ঘতম নদীর নাম বল

6 / 40

Which river is known as the "Handmaid' of the Narmada?
কোন নদী নর্মদার "হ্যান্ডমেইড" নামে পরিচিত?

7 / 40

Which country in the world has the largest no. of international borders?
বিশ্বের কোন দেশের আন্তর্জাতিক সীমান্তের সংখ্যা সবচেয়ে বেশি ?

8 / 40

The _______ Channel separates the Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands.
_______ চ্যানেলটি আন্দামান ও নিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জকে পৃথক করেছে।

9 / 40

Which of the following planets does NOT have any moon?
নিচের কোন গ্রহের কোন উপগ্রহ নেই?

10 / 40

The Indian Standard Time is calculated from the clock tower of __________
ভারতীয় স্ট্যান্ডার্ড টাইম গণনা করা হয় ___________ এর ক্লক টাওয়ার থেকে

11 / 40

Where in India can 'Mushroom' rock be found?
ভারতের কোথায় 'মাশরুম' শিলা পাওয়া যাবে?

12 / 40

Which of the following sites has been included in UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites?
নিচের কোন সাইটটি ইউনেস্কোর ওয়ারিড হেরিটেজ সাইটের তালিকায় অন্তর্ভুক্ত হয়েছে?

13 / 40

Where is the Headquarters of the Botanical Survey of India located?
বোটানিক্যাল সার্ভে অফ ইন্ডিয়ার সদর দপ্তর কোথায় অবস্থিত?

14 / 40

Apatanis are the major tribal group of ______

আপাটানি উপজাতি হল ______ এর প্রধান উপজাতি গোষ্ঠী

15 / 40

Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?
নিচের কোনটি আবাদ ফসল নয়?

16 / 40

The Sundarbans or the 'Man- grove' forests are found in
সুন্দরবন বা 'ম্যানগ্রোভ' বন পাওয়া যায়

17 / 40

India's area is about.....times larger than Pakistan.
ভারতের আয়তন পাকিস্তানের চেয়ে প্রায় ______গুণ বড়।

18 / 40

The Hirakud Dam is built across the river:
হীরাকুদ বাঁধটি _____ নদীর উপর নির্মিত হয়েছে

19 / 40

Lucifer is another name for the planet _______
লুসিফার গ্রহের আরেকটি নাম ______

20 / 40

India is located to the North of the __________
ভারত, _________ এর উত্তরে অবস্থিত

21 / 40

Which is the coldest place in India?

22 / 40

Which of the following locations has the highest altitude?

23 / 40

With how many States and Union Territories of India does Uttar Pradesh share its borders?

24 / 40

Which among the following is a seaport of Bangladesh?

25 / 40

According to the Census 2011, what is the population density of India?

26 / 40

Cirrus and cumulus are types of __________

27 / 40

Which of the following Himalayan regions is known the 'Shivaliks'?

28 / 40

Mahendragiri is the highest peak in the:

29 / 40

Batholiths are landforms created by:

30 / 40

In terms of total land area, what is India's rank in the world in the list of largest countries?

31 / 40

Where in India is the first indigenously built atomic power plant located?

32 / 40

Sandalwood grows in which type of forests?

33 / 40

Which of the following crops is an example of Kharif Crops?

34 / 40

Which is the largest lake in the world in terms of surface area?

35 / 40

Which of the following is Uttarakhand's first gravity dam?

36 / 40

In which state is Sambhar, the largest inland salt water lake of India located?

37 / 40

The 'Friendship highway' is a road that connects China to ________

38 / 40

Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?

39 / 40

The Indian Standard Time is calculated from the clock tower of

40 / 40

The term 'Blood Moon' is used to refer to _____

Your score is

The average score is 35%


The exam is suitable for which type of exams?
This is an SSC CHSL previous year’s copy but what we have known is that what is asked in SSC CHSL exam that is also important for other SSC, insurance, and railway board exams and as well as other state-level exams. So this quiz is necessary for these types of exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC CPO, SSC Steno, SSC Selection Post, SSC Miscellaneous, SSC Hindi translator, and many more SSC-type exams. And also valid for those who will give exams for Railway Board exams (Like Railway NTPC, Railway Group D, Railway ALP/Technician) and also for state-level exams specially for west Bengal SSC psc level exams (West Bengal Civil Service Exam, WB PSC Miscellaneous Exam, WB PSC FOOD Sub Inspector Exam, WB PSC Clerkship Exam, WB Police Sub Inspector Exam, WB Police Constable Exam, Kolkata Police Sub Inspector Exam, Kolkata Police Constable Exam, WB ICDS Exam, WB Group D Exam, WB Motor Vehicle Non-Technical Exam Etc. And many other states’ PSC and State Civil Service exams.


By Soumen

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